Wisdom from a Pessimist

Ecclesiastes 9:7-10   

Ian Ferguson  January 12, 2025


Enjoy something yummy together as you go through this devotion—a favorite meal or dessert with a special drink. You could even include the kids in the preparation to prime their hearts for what’s coming.

Ask: What is a pessimist?

To help kids understand, you could watch these clips of quotes from Eeyore, the beloved pessimist from the 100 Acre Wood.

Read: Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

Does this sound pessimistic? Why then would Pastor Ian call the sermon “Wisdom from a Pessimist?” We need to look at the background of the book of Ecclesiastes to understand this. In earlier chapters the author of Ecclesiastes has been considering the unexpected “bad” things that happen in our lives.

[Important Bible study truth: Always look at a scripture passage in its broader context—of the whole book, the author, the audience, the historical context, even the entirety of the Bible narrative. Thankfully, for the purposes of these devotions, our pastors have already done this as they presented the Word to us.]

Ask: What unexpected event(s) did you/your family experience in 2024 (or even last month or last week)? Were these happy or frustrating?

Sometimes when life doesn’t happen like we expected (or wanted), we can be tempted to think that God has forgotten us, that he doesn’t care about us—at least not in the little things like broken arms, lost treasures, friends and neighbors and siblings who treat us unkindly.

But as Ian said, “In Ecclesiastes we see that God remembers us in the hard times, when life doesn’t go as expected.”

Looking into the scripture passage

So HOW do we know that God has remembered us? He has given us some things.

Read: James 1:17

Who is the giver of good gifts? How many good gifts come from him?


  • What are the gifts of God described in these Ecclesiastes verses? [bread (food), wine (drinks), marriage, work, celebrations]
  • What does God want us to do with these gifts? [enjoy them, use them]
  • What words help you answer the previous question? [joy, merry heart, enjoy, do it with your might]

Apply the passage

Activity 1

J.B. Priestly wrote a collection of essays, titled Delight, which “captures and records the moments of wonder and beauty that are found beneath the surface of everyday experience”. Create your own list of delights. Think small! Maybe go through your day from the moment you put your feet into those comfy slippers, to the smell of coffee in the house, to the deliciousness of syrup on your pancakes, the freshness of your mouth after you brush your teeth, windows letting in the daylight, and the comfort of laying your head on your favorite pillow as you drift off to sleep.

Add to your list all week, and be sure to thank God for each gift.

Activity 2

Recount the quote Ian read from Martin Luther King, Jr. about being a “great street sweeper

What work has God given you to do? Let each child answer.

How can you do it with passion, with gusto, with all your might? Be specific! How can you make your bed, clean your room, walk your dog, do your homework in a way that shows God you are thankful for these gifts of work?

Seeing Jesus in the passage


Have you ever been to a wedding?

What did people wear? What fun things happened? What did you eat?

Do you see any “wedding” words in these Ecclesiastes verses? [bread and wine at the celebration reception, white garments, oil on your head (a sign of joy)]

These gifts from God are like appetizers that you eat before a celebration meal. They are just hints of the wonderful things that are to come in God’s heavenly kingdom.

Read: Revelation 21:1-6; 22:1-5

Jesus has invited us to a celebration that will go on forever, where no bad thing will interrupt the good and joyous. Only those whose sins have been washed away by his blood will be allowed to be there, those who have come to Jesus for water and wine for their souls to drink. You can be there, by turning to Jesus to save you from your sin and give you a new heart that wants to love and obey him as king.


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Practice the verse

Say the verse at the beginning of every meal this week.

Extra Stuff

Dig Deeper (for older kids and parents)

Use a concordance to see what the Bible says about giving thanks. Ask questions like these:

When? Why? For what? How?

To get you started: Psalm 100, Psalm 136, Colossians 3:16-17

Songs to sing

For the Beauty of the Earth” (familiar hymn)

Give Thanks to the Lord” (Steve Green)

How Good of God” (Matthew West)

Books to read (these can be borrowed from the Kidstuff table in the church foyer)

The Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party (Joni Eareckson Tada)

Taste and See (Irene Sun)

The Story of Water God at Work in the Bible’s Watery Tales (Caroline Saunders)