
From Our Leaders

The Christ Covenant Church Blog

Can I Smoke Pot?

Tina Miller reviews a resource to help you cast a thoughtful vote on Issue 2 on the November ballot

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids

Looking for some gifts to encourage creativity, family togetherness, and spiritual growth for your kids or grandkids this Christmas? Here are some recommendations from purchases I’ve personally made as well

Homosexuality: What The Bible Says

Written by Linda Young “So, what’s the big deal about homosexuality? Aren’t people just born that way?” “They’re not hurting anyone.” Everyone has an opinion on homosexuality. Some are only

Preaching to Ourselves

Preaching to ourselves. This is an idea we are currently discussing in the Girls’ Group Bible study (a Bible study with high school and college girls). As we study the

Law and Love

I’m spending a lot of time in Exodus. And what is surprising is the joy and pleasure that is coming from what many people see as either an irrelevant or