Our Leaders


Meet the lead Pastors and staff who carry out the vision of our church

Rich Lanning

Senior Pastor

Ian Ferguson

Assistant Pastor

Steve Aldredge

Director of Music

Tina Miller

Coordinator of Women's & Children's Ministries

Colleen K. Grogan


David Rudolph

Family Ministry Coordinator of Youth

Nate McEnaney

Sound Technician

Joyce Troescher

Office Administrator

Amy Kindell

Ministry Assistant

Linda Crank

Ministry Assistant

The Elders of our Session

The Session is primarily concerned with the spiritual welfare of the congregation; however, it also has the overall responsibility of all aspects of the church. Session members oversee the direction of the church and work with the pastors on the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Rich Lanning


John Wood

Jim Williamson


David Miller

Dennis Grogan

John Gould

Terry Eshom

Otto Jarrell

Sue Brown

Clerk of Session