Grace – How We Are Set Free from Sin and Misery
In the podcast we will examine the nature of grace and how it sets us free from our guilt and misery.
In the podcast we will examine the nature of grace and how it sets us free from our guilt and misery.
“Loving fathers want to do everything in their power to help their sons become mature men.”
A man bold only toward his enemies is not yet as Christlike as he needs to be.
Obeying God only when he makes sense to us is not obedience; it’s agreement. Have we invited God to submit his suggestions to us for consideration, or have we submitted ourselves to him because he’s God, who reigns and knows what is best?
David Platt’s Radical mission exists to equip Christians to be on mission by Growing healthy Christians and churches to go into the world with resources to teach and reach others to know about Jesus.
The purpose of this article is to examine the third exhortation — “act like men” — and explore whether that command tells us anything about manhood and masculinity.
Men, now is the time to stand firm in our faith in Jesus and be willing to grow in our faith and knowledge of the risen Lord.
Devotions available daily on various topics and scriptures as a resource to aid in your walk with Jesus.
Tim Challies shares a variety of thoughts on fatherhood, friendship, suffering, leadership, and more.
If you want to learn about missions, where do you start? The goal of this list is to provide a brief introduction to noteworthy books on missions for those who