Homosexuality: What The Bible Says

Written by Linda Young

“So, what’s the big deal about homosexuality? Aren’t people just born that way?” “They’re not hurting anyone.”

Everyone has an opinion on homosexuality. Some are only too happy to share theirs, while others find the subject unspeakable. In the past 25 to 30 years, I have found myself in the middle of this cultural conundrum in a very personal way.  

Almost 30 years ago, my sister “came out” to Jack and me. She and a mutual friend were living together and had become a couple. I recall being sad but not especially surprised. I just couldn’t understand why she wanted this. When I questioned her about her choice, she said, “I didn’t choose this. Why would I choose to be in one of the most maligned groups of people in the country?” I didn’t have an answer to that. 

As the years passed, other relatives came out. A brother-in-law of one of our children became involved with an older man and eventually married him. My niece became the first transgender person I knew. This transgender “guy” eventually married a woman, a scenario which whacks out even my lesbian sister.

Because of my love for these people and my continued relationship with them, I’ve done a lot of digging, listening, and reading, trying to wrap my brain around the various reasons and beliefs driving this mindset and lifestyle. Some Christian believers I talked to didn’t agree with me regarding the Bible’s teaching.  How could we all be reading the same word of God and come to different conclusions? How could other believers excuse this behavior? What makes homosexuality seem like a “bigger” sin than the more common ones we all commit? Why do people react so strongly to this? How can it be simply removed from lists of sins in passages like 1 Corinthians 6:9-11? Is homosexuality a form of idolatry?  And what about the people who are SSA (same-sex attracted) who are celibate- are they just lumped in with those engaged in a physical homosexual relationship? I needed answers for these questions and wanted to know the truth more than to “be right” in my stance. 

One believer with whom I had several discussions shared the teachings of a guest pastor who taught on the issue at her church. He claimed:

  • the Bible has changed over time due to being translated into so many languages by so many people [Yikes!]
  • the Bible is still evolving or unfolding because in John 16:13 Jesus intimated we could not bear to hear everything all at once. [Double-yikes!]

Not only does this message contradict the teaching of well-respected church fathers, theologians, and Bible scholars for thousands of years, it isn’t even logical. If scripture can evolve, then what was pertinent and valid in the past, doesn’t apply now! If that’s true, how do we know when it’s finished “unfolding”? But no, even after all these centuries, the Bible is still cohesive and unchanging from beginning to end, with the same message of love and redemption because it is the very word of an unchanging God. The meaning of His words has not changed, and I’m grateful because God’s steadfastness is one of the things I’m counting on. 

So if that is our foundation; if the Bible is really the true truth, then what we read is what it means. What does it say about sexual morality, particularly related to gender issues? These so-called “Big 6” passages directly address the question.

Genesis 2:18 Genesis 19 (esp. vs 4-8)

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 Romans 1:18-32 

I Corinthians 6:9-11 I Timothy 1:10 

 Studying these verses reveals three main points: 

  1. Creation. God created us to be man and woman, to be different. He is the author of gender, and both male and female are essential to humanity being made in his image. 
  2. Complimentary. The woman was taken from the man and was made to come alongside him. Man and woman fulfill each other. (1 Corinthians 7:2-5)
  3. Consistency. The Bible is consistent regarding the sin of homosexuality.

Of course, these selected verses do not directly answer all the questions. There are endless tendrils of doubt trying to choke out God’s words. What about how people feel? What about those little girls who seem so boyish, or the boy who could not conceive of being tough or macho, or whose voice never deepens? Doesn’t research show there might be a hormonal imbalance? Are they wrong to follow their heart? Didn’t God give us these feelings? I don’t have all the answers, but God’s word provides us with foundational principles that can be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. 

I think homosexuality is so polarizing because it strikes at the core of who we are. With the sin of gluttony, intoxication, cruelty, or a thousand other things, it’s a “don’t do that” mantra, while the message regarding a person’s sexual preference can be interpreted as “don’t BE that.” A person’s feelings seem invalidated. It appears impossible to stop being who you think and feel you are. But we know that human feelings are unreliable, that our hearts are prone to sin, and that outside of the grace of salvation, our minds are in darkness (Jeremiah 17:9 and Ephesians 4:17-19). Feelings must be submitted to God’s thoughts and will, which he has revealed in scripture.The sin of homosexuality tarnishes the God-given Imago Dei. It says we know better than God, saying to Him, “You messed up.” We are made by God in His image and through His will, and He is not wrong. He cannot contradict Himself; His eternal word remains our standard of truth, and we find ultimate joy and pleasure and purpose in living by his grace according to his perfect plan.

Resources that have helped me:


Kevin Deyoung at College Church, March 17, 2015 “What does the Bible teach about homosexuality” (62 min.)

Rosaria Butterfield The Gospel Coalition 2014 “Homosexuality and the Church” (47 min.)

Rachel Gilson The Gospel Coalition Q & A


George Carneal From Queer to Christ

Preston Sprinkle People to be Loved: Why Homosexuality is Not Just an Issue

Sam Allberry Is God Anti-Gay?


The Gospel Coalition


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