The Story of God Our King and The Story of God With Us are two recently published beautifully written and illustrated children’s books by Kenneth Padgett and Shay Gregorie, with art created by Aedan Peterson. The thoughtful design of the entire book is in keeping with their theme of majesty and magnificence–oversized hardback covers with raised-letter titles and gold embossing. The text of each moves between prose and poetry bound together every few pages with a profound refrain.
Their messages are overlapping because Christ is our king, and he is God with us, but each title utilizes different stories of the Old Testament to set the stage for the coming of Christ. Each book depicts different aspects of the nativity and earthly ministry of Jesus, but both move toward his death, resurrection and return.
If you are looking for a last minute Easter gift, you want this lovely and worshipful set. It will bless your children for years to come.
You can also borrow it during the Sunday morning services from the Kids resource table.