Unless the Lord Builds the House

Psalm 127:1-2

Rich Lanning

January 19, 2025


Tie to last week: review memory verse—Colossians 3:17.

How should we do all our work? [As for the Lord]

How did you do your work for the Lord this past week?

Parent note: this verse is very applicable to the passage for this devotion. Find ways to connect the concepts in both.

Read: Psalm 127:1-2

Have the children act out what they are hearing as you read (for example building a house)

Ask: What does it mean to do something “in vain?”

The classic example of the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote can provide kids with a picture of doing something in vain. Watch a few clips and discuss the concept as a family.

Looking into the scripture

When we try to do any kind of work—like building a house–without recognizing God as the one in authority over all things, what does the Bible say we are doing? We are working in vain, like the coyote.

Read Genesis 11:1-9

Discuss: What were the people’s two reasons for building the tower? [to make a name for themselves and to keep from being spread out over the earth]. Is God mentioned by them at all?

Is the Lord building their tower/house?

What happened? [God confused their language so that the building could not continue, and then they were spread out as God had originally told them to do, when he told Adam and Eve to “fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)]

Say it with me: their building was in _________! [vain]

Seeing Jesus in the passage

The tower of Babel was an example of a house not build by the Lord, but let’s look at the opposite. What happens when God builds the house?

Do you know about king David? He was God’s chosen leader of God’s people Israel. He loved God and wanted to build him a temple—a “house for God.” Doesn’t that sound like something that would please God? But the Lord said, “No thank you, David. I have something else in mind.”

Read 2 Samuel 7:11-16

Ask: What did God say he would make for David? [a house!]

Do you think God was going to build David a new palace? No. He explains what kind of house he means when he says that the throne of David’s son will continue. God is talking about the kingdom. How long will the kingdom God is making for David’s sons last?

Read: Matthew 1:1 and 21:6-9

Ask: Who is the Son of David? [Jesus]

Read: Ephesians 1:20-22 and Hebrews 1:3

Ask: Where is the Jesus, the Son of David, right now? [seated next to God the Father in heaven ruling over all of earth and heaven.]

Because God always keeps his word, this house/kingdom that he built for David is still there; it is built for God himself. We get to be a part of that house when we trust Jesus to save us from our sin and we follow him as our Lord.

Read: John 14: 1-3

Ask: What is Jesus doing for you now in heaven?

Isn’t this WONDERFUL news? God has a house, and we get to live there with Jesus forever! It is a house that can never be destroyed. It is not built in vain because it is built by the Lord himself.

Apply the passage

Jesus told a parable to explain what it means to build a house, that is, your life, with the Lord.

Read Matthew 7: 24-27

Ask: Who is like the man building a house on the rock? [the one who obeys Jesus]

Is that a life lived in vain? No!

How can you obey Jesus this week so that you are not living in vain?


Act out the parable above.


Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1a

Practice the verse

As a way to remember the principle of the passage and to open up further conversation during the week print some 3-D paper house templates for kids to put together. Have them write the memory verse on each one as they color and build.

Extra Stuff

Dig Deeper (for older kids and parents)

Read 1 Samuel 13:1-14. What did Saul do “in vain?” What did God say would happen to his kingdom?

Explore the paradoxical balance between working diligently for God (Ephesians 2:10) and trusting the Lord to do the “work” (Psalm 33)

Connect James 4:13-17 to Psalm 127.

Songs to sing

“The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock” (traditional children’s song)

Book to read (these can be borrowed from the Kidstuff table in the church foyer)

The Story of Home God at Work in the Bible’s Tales of Home (Caroline Saunders)