Sunday School Classes

Nursery Care is available for ages 3 and under. Children’s classes for Preschool (ages 4-5) in Room 105, for grades 1 & 2 in Room 102, for grades 3 & […]

Sunday School Classes

Nursery Care is available for ages 3 and under. Children’s classes for Preschool (ages 4-5) in Room 105, for grades 1 & 2 in Room 102, for grades 3 & […]

Sunday School Classes

Nursery Care is available for ages 3 and under. Children’s classes for Preschool (ages 4-5) in Room 105, for grades 1 & 2 in Room 102, for grades 3 & […]

Birthday Party for Jesus

Children ages 4-12 are invited to celebrate Jesus’s birth with us. Games, cake, presents, activities. Things you need to know: location: church fellowship hall   Parents are welcome but not necessary […]

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids

Looking for some gifts to encourage creativity, family togetherness, and spiritual growth for your kids or grandkids this Christmas? Here are some recommendations from purchases I’ve personally made as well […]