Women’s Discipleship

Women’s Discipleship seeks to create a community of women who are growing in their love for Jesus Christ and knowledge of His work in their own lives and in the world, and who, because of their relationships in the church, when they become aware of the needs of the other women, they can respond to those needs with practical support and discipling as needed.

For this kind of community to develop, we encourage women to be involved in the life of the church, worshiping on Sundays, participating in learning opportunities and sharing in the fun of fellowship times.

We hope you will consider taking part in some of the specific women’s ministries, including Bible studies, one-on-one discipleship opportunities, a moms group, monthly prayer times and occasional retreats. For more information, contact Tina Miller.

Upcoming Events

Welcome! Here are ways to get connected!

Bible Studies

Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom (Jen Wilkin) begins on January 9, 2025. We will meet for ten sessions on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m., in the chapel at the office. Led by Wendy Detroy. 

Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture, (Jackie Hill Perry) begins January 21. We will meet for six sessions at the office chapel on the first and third Tuesdays. Morning time: 9:15-11 a.m.  Evening time: 7-8:45 p.m. Mornings led by Colleen Grogan and Barb Weidus. Evenings led by Tina Miller


Would you like to be mentored by another woman who is further along in her walk with the Lord? This is an opportunity to walk alongside a caring friend who wants to help you draw closer to Jesus in all aspects of your life. Sound good?

For more information please contact Colleen Tina Miller: tmiller@christcovcincy.org

Fellowship Nights

On a Friday evening of each month, we gather for fellowship, games and building new friendships! Watch for dates and locations!

Occasional movie nights offer another opportunity to enjoy some “girl time.” See “Upcoming Events” above for more details. 

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