Following Jesus by loving God, loving one another, and serving the world.

Sunday School Classes

9:15 AM

Join Us Online

In-Person Worship

10:30 AM

Gather With Us
Sundays @ 10:30 am

2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45231

Visit our Sermon Archive to listen to previous sermons!

Who We Are

Christ Covenant Church is a Reformed intergenerational Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our mission is to follow Jesus, by loving God, loving one another, and serving the World. We carry out our mission through worship, discipleship, community, and servanthood.

What to Expect

Christ Covenant Church is a family-oriented, loving community, with open arms to visitors and those exploring the faith. Our services aim to capture the essence of Worship, providing an atmosphere where young and old can grow deeper in their relationship with Christ, while receiving biblically-sound instruction from our leadership. 

Adult Ministries

We offer Sunday Schools, Bible Studies, Community Groups, and discipleship groups for men and women.

Youth Ministry

Designed to support students and their families as they journey through the challenging years of 7th-12th grades.

Children's Ministry

Children participate in our weekly service alongside their families. A nursery is provided for little ones under three.

Play Video

The Cost of Discipleship

Discipleship has a cost and the Christian will be challenged to make Christ the priority of his life. Pastor Ian Ferguson looks at this subject from two examples given in Matthew 8:18-22.

One Year Bible Reading Challenge

RSS Today’s Scripture Readings
  • Tue, Mar 18
    Bible In a Year Daily Readings - NUMBERS 26:52-28:15 | LUKE 3:1-22 | PSALM 61:1-8 | PROVERBS 11:16-17


Women’s Bible Study

Christ Covenant picnic and office complex 2192 Springdale Rd., Cincinnati, OH, United States

Join us for the six session study of this small but very applicable epistle on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. The study involves homework and group discussion led […]


Private Event

Christ Covenant Church 2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, United States

B Boerner/A Langdon Homeschool Speech & Debate


Women’s Bible Study

Chapel @ Christ Covenant Church Office 2192 Springdale Rd, Cincinnati, OH

Join us for the six session study of this small but very applicable epistle on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. The study involves homework and group discussion led […]


Staff Meeting

Chapel @ Christ Covenant Church Office 2192 Springdale Rd, Cincinnati, OH

Staff typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday between 11:15am and 1:00pm in the chapel. Devotional Assignments: Rich -- Jan 15, April 9, July 23 Ian -- Feb 5, […]


Women’s Bible Study

Chapel @ Christ Covenant Church Office 2192 Springdale Rd, Cincinnati, OH

We will be studying the book of Revelation using the study guide by Jen Wilkin. This 10-session study meets every other Thursday in the church office from 9:30–11:30 am. To […]


Weekly Prayer Group

WEEKLY PRAYER GROUP: There is an ongoing prayer group that meets via Zoom every Thursday evening from 5-6 p.m. Contact Ruth Cload for the Zoom link.


Choir Rehearsal

Christ Covenant Church 2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, United States

Join us in the sanctuary as we prepare music to lead in Sunday worship services


Sunday School Classes

Christ Covenant Church 2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, United States

Nursery Care is available for ages 3 and under. Children’s classes for Preschool (ages 4-5) in Room 105, for grades 1 & 2 in Room 102, for grades 3 & […]


Joyful Noise

Christ Covenant Church 2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, United States

Rehearse in Room 102 immediately following worship service


Chimes Rehearsal

Christ Covenant Church 2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, United States

Room 106 immediately following the Worship Service

Fellowship Luncheon

Church Fellowship Hall

Immediately following the Worship Service. Watch Church Life for more details.

Come Visit Us

Our Campus is conveniently located just a few miles off I-275, providing easy access to anyone in the greater Cincinnati & Tri-State area. 

2191 Struble Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45231

(513) 542-9025